With so many different types of travel vloggers out there, it can be hard to find the ones worth watching. That’s why we’ve put together this list of our top five favorite travel vloggers on YouTube. These are the people who consistently make us laugh, cry, and dream about what it would be like to visit their destinations—whether they’re exotic beaches or your local coffee shop. So whether you’re traveling for fun or work, these YouTube personalities will help inspire you:
1. FunForLouis
FunForLouis is a British travel vlogger who specializes in making videos about his travels. He’s been featured on YouTube, BuzzFeed and Lonely Planet and has over 2 million subscribers- travel youtubers.
He has a website with information about him, his channel and blog posts. His YouTube channel features almost all of his travel videos as well as some personal ones like his trip to Japan or how he got started making videos (scroll down the page).
FunForLouis also has a Facebook page and Twitter account where you can find more info on him!

2. CaseyNeistat
CaseyNeistat is a famous YouTuber who has more than 7.8 million subscribers. He’s known for his vlogs, including travel vlogs. CaseyNeistat started posting videos in 2015 and has continued to do so ever since, taking viewers on journeys around the world. His channel features many different types of content, from car reviews to cooking tutorials and everything in between.
3. TheDailyWoo
TheDailyWoo is a channel that’s been around for over five years and has over 1.5 million subscribers, which means that if you go to his channel now, there are about fifteen thousand people watching his videos every single day. TheDailyWoo also has two other channels called TheDailyWoo2 and TheDailyWoo3, which have more than three hundred thousand subscribers each!- travel youtubers.
4. Hey Nadine
Hey Nadine is a travel vlogger from Germany who has made it her mission to visit every country in the world. She has over 1 million subscribers on YouTube and her videos have been viewed over 60 million times. Her videos are very popular because they are so well made, with great editing and lots of interesting information about the places she visits.
Hey Nadine is also pretty funny too! In most of her videos she calls herself “crazy” in some way or another; like when she says that going scuba diving at night is “crazy” or when she says that riding an elephant through Thailand was “crazy”. It’s all part of what makes Hey Nadine such a great travel vlogger!
5. FlyingTheNest
If you’re looking for travel videos, FlyingTheNest has got you covered. She is a YouTuber who makes videos about her travels and her experiences on the road. Her channel has over 100k subscribers as of writing this, which makes it one of the most popular channels in this list. With a focus on budget travel and being frugal, she shares tips and tricks with her viewers that can help them save money on their next trip- travel youtubers.
These five YouTube travel bloggers make some amazing videos!
These five YouTube travel bloggers make some amazing videos!
If you’re looking for inspiration to take your own trip, these five YouTube travel bloggers are the best. They offer a variety of perspectives on life and experiences around the world, but they all have something in common: they’re passionate about sharing their love for travel with others.
It’s easy to feel like there are more travel vloggers than ever before. But if you’re looking for an expert guide, check out one of these five channels.