What to Pack for a Road Trip

Siblings packed into the family car for a road trip

We all know road trips can be long, but they don’t have to be unbearable. You just need to plan ahead, pack smart, and prepare yourself for anything that comes your way.

Car emergency kit

To make sure your trip is as safe and fun as possible, it’s important to have the right supplies on hand. A car emergency kit should include:

  • An ice scraper
  • Jumper cables
  • A flashlight
  • First aid kit (with bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads and other essentials)
  • Blanket/sleeping bag/tent (for sleeping in the car if necessary)

It’s also a good idea to keep a shovel and bag of sand in your trunk. You never know when you might need these things! In addition, always remember to keep your gas tank at least half full at all times. It’s also important to maintain proper tire pressure with an air compressor so that you don’t ever need roadside assistance-travel essentials list.

Road atlas or road trip app

Woman doing checklist of emergency backpack

Road Atlas or Road Trip App?

A map is the most reliable way to navigate, but it can be a little bulky. If you’re worried about your car getting lost in the vastness of America, consider downloading an app instead. Apps like Google Maps and Waze are great because they’re constantly being updated with new information by users who report potholes and accidents on the road—and they tend to be more accurate than an old-fashioned paper atlas. They also give you voice-guided directions so there’s no fumbling with maps while driving!

However, not all apps are created equal when it comes to reliability: Some have bugs that make them annoying (or downright dangerous) during navigation; others are too slow or expensive for what they offer; some have been known to crash entirely if you have too many other apps running at once or if you try updating them while already on a trip somewhere remote where reception isn’t great (eek!). It’s always best when possible to make sure that any new technology works as promised before relying on it completely

Snacks and drinks

Pack snacks and drinks. You don’t want to be hungry or thirsty on your trip, so make sure you pack enough food and drinks. Remember to bring some snacks for yourself, as well as for everyone else in your party. Pack things like sandwiches and other simple foods that can be eaten easily without a fork or knife (because who wants to clean up messes when you’re traveling?). If you have kids with you, make sure they have some favorite snack items in their bags too!- travel essentials list.

Drinks are just as important as food when it comes to road trips! Make sure everyone has plenty of water bottles or cups with them at all times while they’re driving—this will help them stay hydrated during their travels. You may also want to stock up on energy drinks if anyone gets tired while driving long distances; these will keep them awake so they can continue enjoying their trip!

Music and podcasts

Music is a great way to pass the time while driving. If you’re traveling with kids, these audio books can help them unwind and relax during long stretches of driving.

  • Music: This is the obvious one. If you like music, bring along your favorite CDs or just throw it on shuffle so that everyone in the car has a chance to pick out their own soundtrack for the next few hours.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts are also great options for entertainment and learning when on long drives—and they can be educational too! Check out this list of must-listen podcasts for travel inspiration (or find more ideas here).

Travel pillow and blanket

Driver using Navigation App
  • Travel pillow: If you don’t already have one, a travel pillow will make your trip much more comfortable. They come in all styles and sizes, but they all do the same thing: they relieve pressure on your head by cradling it. This will help keep you from getting a stiff neck or sore back while traveling—which is a lifesaver when you’re spending hours behind the wheel!
  • Blanket: You never know when an unexpected rainstorm will hit while driving across country. Pack an extra blanket just in case so that if/when bad weather pops up, you’re prepared to stay warm and cozy under its shelter.

Along with snacks, be sure to pack things that will make your time in the car more comfortable.

Along with snacks, be sure to pack things that will make your time in the car more comfortable. This may include a travel pillow, blanket, and games or magazines. You can also bring along a book or journal to write in while on the road.

I hope this post has given you some ideas on what to pack for a road trip. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below! You can also check out our other posts on traveling tips- travel essentials list.

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